

Our Vision

The African Caribbean Research Group (ACRG) is an inclusive organisation that serves the needs of a wide variety of community groups in Cambridge City and the Caribbean islands. We strive to move our communities forward together in our strategies to tackle poverty and isolation through fund-raising and community projects. At ACRG we celebrate the Caribbean cultures to represent voices from the Caribbean diasporas and islands. The ACRG functions to promote cultural exchange through documenting cultural, historical, and contemporary narratives about all aspects of social life. The initiative works with Cambridge city and the Caribbean nations to bring benefits to these communities.

The ACRG is recognised for excellence in the implementation of research projects, seminars, online training programmes, community projects, social media outlets, mentor programmes that results in positive social impact in the communities. The ACRG provides opportunities for community gatherings, mentorship and work experiences to the younger generation.

Our Mission

  • ACRG will produce ethical research to benefit communities in Cambridge City, UK, and Caribbean Islands.
  • ACRG will bring the communities together through the promotion of cultural connections and exchange.
  • ACRG will tackle poverty and isolation in the communities in Cambridge City and the Caribbean Islands.
  • ACRG will create opportunities for advancement through training and volunteering.
  • ACRG values are based on open diversity and to have freedom of cultural expression.
  • ACRG will provide opportunities through research for positive social impacts to the member of Cambridge city and Caribbean communities.

Board members

Dr Carol Brown-Leonardi – Chair

Mooya Hall – Secretary

Tanisha Broady – Community Executive Officer

Luca Leonardi – Treasurer

Patricia Jones – Fundraising Executive

Providing a helping hand

We need you and your help

It’s impossible to help people without people helping others. We always need volunteer who love to help.

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